I'm officially in love with this series

Wings of Darkness, Book 1 of The Immortal Sorrows series - Sherri A. Wingler

This book had me hooked from the beginning and refused to let me sleep. I have been up two nights reading this and loving every single moment. Wings of Darkness is everything I look for in a book. Witty, endearing, clever and addictive. If at the end of a book I am disappointed I live in the real world, then that book has done its job. This was most definitely the case with this book.
It is very rare that I read a book in which I love the protagonist. Izzy is the exception. I loved this character from the get-go. Isabel is a spit-fire, it’s sometimes hard to create a strong female character without her coming across bitter, but I found myself loving Izzy. I was right there with her feeling her pain, anxiety and more often than not anger.
Asher is a perfect leading man. His contrasting tough and tender sides make him likeable and I found myself rooting for him every step of the way. Lesser character, such as Gwen and Grim are also well written. Sherri Wingler has a fantastic flair for creating detailed and relatable characters.
The plot is brilliant and kept me guessing throughout. The twists and turns that Sherri Wingler weaves through a normal teenage life is exciting and makes every page an adventure. The connection between Asher and Izzy knocks Bella and Edward out of the park, sorry all you Twilighters. I found myself slowing down towards the end, as I simply didn’t want it to end.
I don’t know what I expected when I began reading this. I had not expected to find one of my all-time favourite books. I can’t wait for the next instalment and would not be surprised if between now and then the world becomes flooded with Sherri Wingler fans.